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This home has been loaded up with many of the features that buyers are looking for in a luxury townhome. We have added a fourth bedroom on the main level which is connected to a full bathroom complete with a walk-in shower. There is a gourmet kitchen which features a wall oven and microwave along with a gas cooktop. It has an abundance of natural light throughout the home since it's an end unit. All of the kitchen appliances have been upgraded to the Professional series. This home with its unique features will not last long.
Room Locations
The average asking price of a 3 bedroom Huntersville home in this zip code is $527,762 (3.7% less than this home).
This home is priced at $227/sqft, which is 15.6% less than similar homes in the 28078 zip code.
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These statistics are updated daily from the Canopy MLS. For further analysis or to obtain statistics not shown below please call Highgarden Real Estate at (980) 253-5812 and speak with one of our real estate consultants.
Listing Courtesy of David Weekley Homes.
10220 Mamillion Dr, Huntersville NC is a single family home of 2419 sqft and is currently priced at $548,245 . This single family home has 3 bedrooms. A comparable home for sale at 104 Abingdon Cir in Huntersville is listed at $505,000. In addition to single family homes, Highgarden also makes it easy to find Homes, Condos and New Homes in Huntersville, NC. The Oaks At Mcilwaine, Centennial and Stoneybrook Station are nearby neighborhoods. MLS 4205002 has been posted on this site since 12/4/2024 (today).
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